Home » Spirituality » It is time for you to discard your faith, your belief in the illusion and WAKE UP!
August 8, 2016 – Channeled by John Smallman
“You know that moods affect you as they pass through you, and you also know that they do pass through. The human experience, as a separated being within the collective dream or illusion, is a passing experience, it does not last, it is temporary, impermanent, in fact it is momentary! However time appears very real to you, like a river flowing through an ever changing environment of moods – emotions, feelings, worries, anxieties, fears, pain and suffering, interspersed briefly with hopes, desires, contentment, and pleasures. But it always flows – slowly or rapidly depending on the individual’s choice in that moment – it is never still….”
READ MORE: https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/