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NOTE BY NANCY:   Earth has entered a time of major transition in which we will be required to make many changes in the ways we approach life.  We are use to thinking in terms of being practical and behaving in ways that are in accordance with what we think of  as just the way life is.   Taking risks that appear foolish to the average observer is frowned upon.   My sister, Joyce and I have taken risks, or as I like to call them, “gone on adventures with God.”  We share the stories of our adventures with God with the hope that each reader will be inspired to think and behave with the knowledge that “With God all things are possible.”  For as we gain experiential knowledge of the joy of grasping the hand of God and walking into the unknown, we come to know our Mother/Father God in a more intimate, loving way.  We come to know that we are truly beloved children of our Heavenly Parents.  We experience what Jesus taught in Matthew 6:8 -“your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

Joyce and I differ in some of our beliefs: however, we decided that to combine our articles into one would allow more people to be inspired by them.


Joyce Brooks McCollum


Waking up to a large precipice of darkness, I was faced with my own limitations to determine how to move forward. I sought God in prayer, believing that He is the God of the universe, that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for my sins and to bring me abundant life, and believing that I am a child of God in whom He delights (Zep. 3:17). Waiting in the darkness, God spoke to me… You can move forward on your own or you can take my hand in faith believing that I will lead you one step at a time until the darkness becomes light.

This repetitive dream of a dark precipice and waking up to the challenge of having come to my limits, led me to respond in faith by taking God’s hand. Isaiah 41:13 says, “For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you. Do not fear, I will help you.”

Indeed, He has helped me! Several months later, I publically declared that I was taking hold of God’s hand and following Him in faith as He opened the door for me to enter ministry. Within 15 months, my two young children and I packed our belongings and moved out of state following God’s open invitation to join Him in sharing His love with others.

While depending on God through faith and asking Him to meet our needs through prayer, I continued to actively pursue my education completing my BA and MA degrees while working two jobs and raising my children as a single mom. While only 2 hours credit away from completing my MA, God responded to my prayers by opening another door for me to continue to serve Him, which has included many international and domestic trips, where I have seen His loving answers to prayer among people of Africa, Asia, Europe, Central America and South America!

My journey has convinced me beyond a shadow of doubt that prayer connects us with a God who cares so much for us that He knows the number of hairs on our head (Matt. 10:30) and His thoughts toward us outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore (Ps. 139:17-18). I have found that nothing is too small or too big to take to Him in prayer. I have found that God waits patiently for us to realize that he is more than willing to answer our prayers in the way that best leads us into a deeper relationship with Him.

It is now 35 years later…without a doubt, God wants His children to ask Him to meet their needs. Prayer engages us with the God above all gods who understands the end from the beginning and yet cares individually for each of His precious children. I invite you to join me in a journey of faith believing that prayer connects us with our Creator who dwells within us through Christ.



Nancy, with Twin Flame Uriel

Praying Hands

Mother/Father God,

I need your help with my eye condition that I may continue SEEING.

In attempting to prepare for cataract surgery, my daughter and I have run into multiple obstacles.  We became stressed out during the effort.

All along, I felt that  the time was not right … that surgery was not the answer …that healing would come via another method.  My daughter and I both felt at peace when we let go and stopped pushing.

My concern is that we are talking about my eyes, about SEEING.

My life pattern has been to pull back when obstacles prevented smooth sailing along my path.  Not that I wanted to avoid tests of faith, of which I have had many; but that I have found that when things are not working out there is another route to be taken to the perfect solution.   My life has been one long example of this truth.

READ MORE:  https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2016/08/30/my-prayer-request-seeing/praying-hands/


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