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James Gilliland Update: We Are In The Last Days of The Tyrants

September 24, 2016


“….  There is also the concept of Armageddon; which in its proper definition is the great uncovering. There shall be no rock left unturned. There will be no rock left unturned. You are going to see just how dirty your leadership in every institution has become. Again this has everything to do with the awakening and healing process. You are going to see narcism and arrogance to the extreme….

….  The vast majority of malevolent forces have been removed in a multidimensional operation. Now the clean up is on the ground in the physical. Humanity has to do its part in this operation. It is called standing in your own divinity, operating within Universal Law and severing all connections and cords to the Beast….”

READ ENTIRE ARTICLE:  http://galacticconnection.com/james-gilliland-update-we-are-in-the-last-days-of-the-tyrants/


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