Home » Sheldan Nidle » Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 1 Ik, 5 Xul, 13 Caban – November 8, 2016

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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
1 Ik, 5 Xul, 13 Caban – November 8, 2016


Selamat Balik! Much is continuing to unfold as the Republic works to stabilize its legal position vis-à-vis agreements signed and ratified because of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. This accord permitted a new financial and monetary policy to come into effect. It has now been signed by over 209 sovereign nations. The new world that we have described in recent messages is actually in the throes of being born. This new realm has taken a long time to manifest. When you look at the collective potential of humanity, you see a result that was consistently denied by the minions of the Anunnaki. This denial can no longer to be tolerated. In the words of NESARA, we are a very precious and sovereign group of humanity. More suitable governance and an opportunity to achieve your potential are part of a vast system of rights given to you by the Creator. They can no longer be denied you. Thus, you are shortly to possess the resources to achieve your deepest dreams. Use these gifts to alter your surface reality into the most cherished aspirations that can only yield a truly remarkable reality. Make all of us proud of what you are becoming!”

READ MORE:  http://www.paoweb.com/uf110816.htm


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