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Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Originally written in 2009


Who is this charismatic man who emerged on the world scene with the rapidity of a shooting star?  Is he the climax to the Illuminati plans for a New World Order and take over of the world?  Or, is he fulfilling his role in the Divine Plan for this planet to ascend to a higher level of consciousness.  Is the present controversy over his identity serving to awaken the public to the matrix of lies in which we have lived our entire lifetime?

One thing about which we can be absolutely sure is that things are not as they seem.  Another thing about which we can be absolutely sure is that using fear as a motivation to search for truth attracts more lies.  The Illuminati (or secret world government) have used fear to exert control over us and their modus operandi is lies phrased in words that sound lofty and honey sweet.

What if President Obama is fulfilling his role in the Divine Plan and we allow the Illuminati to instill fear concerning his presidency?  Don’t forget that throughout history, we Earth humans have killed our prophets.  We yelled, “Crucify him, crucify him,” when Pilate asked us what he should do with Jesus.  The people allowed mob psychology to control them 2000 years ago.  Are we doing so again?

That each of us develop the art of discerning truth for ourselves is required in order to lift our consciousness to a higher plane.  Few of us would disagree that our planet is presently experiencing the End Times.  Although the End Times connotes a variety of scenarios, most agree that the end result is to be a better life somewhere.   What if the enigma that President Obama presents is the catalyst for our spiritual awakening?  What if concern over who he is leads us to learn to seek and find truth on our own?  Has he not, then, assisted us to advance in our own spiritual maturity?

What is certainly true is that the controversy over President Obama has exposed the secret plans the Illuminati have been working on for over 100 years—the New World Order in which they are the Absolute Rulers and we the people are their slaves.  Little do the majority of Americans know just enslaved we already are … just how many lies we have been told … just how many cover-ups of truth exist … just how much we are suffering needlessly at the hands of the Illuminati.

How can we learn the true identity of President Obama?  How can we get to know ourselves?  With a very ancient scientific method that the Illuminati do not want us to recognize as truth:  esoteric astrology. Esoteric Astrology is a tool the Illuminati cannot contaminate.  Each of us is first and foremost a Part of the Overall Divine Plan.  The astrological natal chart reveals our Celestial Name.  Each of our charts (or Soul Contract) was constructed before we incarnated into a physical body; they remind us of the role we are to play while attending school on the plane of duality, Earth.

Why has esoteric astrology been hidden from us?  Because people who know their role within the Divine Plan—who know they are a vital Part of the Whole—cannot be enslaved.  That our true identities be hidden from us is vital to the success of the Illuminati and their plans for a New World Order in which we are to be slaves.  Thanks in part to the controversies swirling around President Obama, the secret plans of the Illuminati have been discovered.  If his presence in the White House accomplishes nothing else, he has released us from falling blindly into planetary slavery.

Because the Illuminati presently rule the world, Obama cannot avoid working with them.  Did they discover and project him into his rapid ascent to the White House?  He could not have gotten there without their help because contrary to what Americans are told, we the people do not determine who is President.  At the very least, the Illuminati saw in Barack Obama a handsome, charismatic, brilliant young man.  Can they manipulate him for long?  That remains to be seen.  His astrological chart offers real hope for the people!

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

As stated above, the astrological natal chart is our Celestial Name (Dane Rudhyar).  It reveals our Soul’s Road Map for this lifetime.  Freewill is always in charge—we can choose to allow life to simply happen to us or we can choose to fulfill the celestial instructions found in our natal chart.  The goal is to perfect the lessons that can best be learned on Earth’s 3rd dimensional plane of duality so that we can ascend to higher planes of consciousness.

Obama’s Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn, indicating that he is a spiritually mature soul who incarnated to get things right this time.  The Soul is not allowed to take on more than it can successfully accomplish in any one lifetime.  Saturn retrograde reveals that this time Obama chose to take on the equivalent of two lifetimes of self-growth.  Only a mature Soul is allowed to do so.  Saturn—our disciplinarian–works well in Capricorn, leading Obama through his initiatory process into higher consciousness.  The 3rd Ray of Active Intelligence is especially potent with Saturn in Capricorn, granting Obama astute mental abilities and a very strong, dynamic magnetism.  Saturn in Capricorn presents a choice:  will he orient his goals toward personal prestige or toward serving others?

Saturn retrograde located in the 12th house serves as an additional reminder to Obama that his Soul wants to get things right this time.  We always bring in exactly what is needed to accomplish our Soul’s intentions.  Thus, Saturn conjunct Jupiter retrograde in the 12th house grants him the ability to be disciplined, systematic, and thorough as he works long hours and keeps track of many details at once.  Jupiter is a most benefic planet and will bless Obama’s recall and use of his past life talents.  Saturn retrograde tells us that his talents are already well-developed.  Nevertheless, with Jupiter retrograde, he can experience inner doubts, which may express in a desire to plan and re-plan.

Obama’s 12th house configuration marks him as “one who serves”—the humanitarian.  Jupiter in his 12th house indicates he is blessed with extra spiritual protection and invisible helpers who will assist him whenever needed.  He is striving to gather the facts and think through potential problem solutions while balancing his desire to be with family.

Family plays a large role in Obama’s life.  Venus in Cancer gives strong ties to his family, especially to his mother; Venus in Cancer in his 5th house means he is deeply attached to his children and rejoices in seeing them realize personal fulfillment.  Moon in Gemini in the 4th house reinforces the powerful influence of his mother as they shared a thirst for knowledge and exploration.  Obama is warm-hearted, witty, and charming.  He does not like arguments and may therefore tend to tell people what they want to hear, rather than being completely honest.  With Pluto in his 7th house of relationships  square his Moon in the 4th house of family, Obama is challenged with controlling and transmuting any emotional turmoil that might lie beneath the surface.  Experiences in his life have taught him that he cannot totally trust those he loves.  At the bottom of this lack of trust is fear that he will be rejected as unworthy.

His Soul (and God) perceives his needs before he does.  Therefore, Obama’s Soul incarnated with Jupiter trine his Moon, indicating that his Soul developed the art of balancing his emotions in a previous lifetime.  He has only to recall this innate talent.  In so doing, he gains self-confidence and loses the fear of revealing himself as he truly is.  He knows how to laugh at himself and to see humor in the worst of situations.  He possesses a strong desire to see people move forward in life.

Jupiter in Aquarius in combination with an Aquarian Ascendant proclaims that Obama’s potential for achieving his Soul’s desired expression in this lifetime is very strong.  The Ascendant reveals how Obama will be perceived by the external world.  His Ascendant in Aquarius indicates a “friend to the world”—one who has a vision of a better world for all people.  The symbol for Aquarius is the Waterbearer pouring out water to the planet.  Obama’s Sun is in Leo in the 6th house of healing.  Leo demonstrates strong leadership qualities; its symbol is the Lion.  His Sun is conjunct his Mercury in the 6th house granting him intelligence and wit.  He has excellent teaching skills and ability to communicate his ideas.  Sun conjunct Mercury can mean high-strung energy that demands a physical outlet.

The house in which the Sun is found indicates where the positive energies of the Sun Sign is to be used.  With his Sun in the 6th house, Obama’s life work is to include some facet of healing.  With Cancer on his 6th house cusp and Cancer ruling the United States of America, Obama has the capacity to bring healing to our nation.  As a Leo, Obama possesses a flair for drama, easy creativity, good health, ambition, dignity, affection in love relationships, and a generous spirit.  There is a strong will in both his Leo Sun and Aquarian Ascendant.  A Leo cares deeply how he is perceived by those close to him and in the outside world.  Because Leo is ruled by the Sun, Obama can light up the room when he walks in.

Chiron retrograde in his 1st house and conjunct his South Moon Node reveals Obama as a Wounded Healer from the past.  With South Moon Node in Aquarius in his 1st house and North Moon Node in Leo in his 7th house, Obama brings into this lifetime memories of having been a leader, but one who placed his personal desires before those of the people he led.  Now, in this lifetime, he is “to get it right” by placing the needs of the people before his own needs.  This fact is reinforced by Pluto in the 7th house in opposition to Chiron in the 1st house.  As the planet of transformation, Pluto in opposition to Chiron will assist Obama in exploring his subconscious mind while Chiron incorporates use of the Higher Intuitive Mind.  This powerful opposition is found in the natal charts of healers.  Obama’s energy field is permeated with the power to heal others by his presence with them.

Chiron’s presence in Pisces indicates Obama as one who is sensitive to other planes of existence.  He knows there is more to life than meets the eye.  With his Aquarian Ascendant, he desires to share all he knows with the world.  Neptune rules Pisces.  Located in Scorpio in Obama’s 9th house, the desire and talent for sharing his knowledge with the world is reinforced.  The 9th house is the house of higher education, foreign travel, and the Higher Intuitive Mind.  On the personality-centered level, Neptune rules alcohol/drugs.  Obama admits having experimented with these substances while in college.  However, with Pluto sextile Neptune, he easily moved beyond the need for mind-altering drugs.  Cigarettes, also ruled by Neptune, have been more difficult to overcome, even though the Pluto sextile Neptune gives him the ability to successfully kick the habit.

Chiron in Pisces in Obama’s 1st house renders him a true leader of consciousness unfoldment.  Neptune in Scorpio in his 9th house and operating at the soul-centered level is the most mystical of planets leading him toward achieving a higher consciousness.  Obama feels a tremendous need to serve others, to recognize people all over the world as the One Family of God.  If he is not already aware of our galactic brothers and sisters, he will grow into that awareness.

With his strong Leo/Aquarian influence, Obama is functioning on the 1st Ray of Will/Power and the 5th Ray of Concrete Knowledge.  The energy of the 1st Ray is that of breaking up the old conditions so that the new may emerge.  A  personality-centered 1st Ray individual can appear aloof, detached, and have trouble listening to others.  However, by lifting his focus to the soul-centered level, Obama can demonstrate tolerance, compassion, and humility.

The energy of the 5th Ray is the expression of the 2nd Ray Love/Wisdom energy through the intellect.  Aquarius operates solely on the 5th Ray of scientific, mathematical, and metaphysical research and experimentation.  Aquarius is the idealist, the visionary; the 5th Ray is the Ray on which esoteric knowledge/wisdom is actualized.  The contributions that a 5th Ray individual can make to the world can be without limit.  Again, like the 1st Ray, the 5th Ray person may tend to be detached and more focused on bringing the ideals of the abstract world into concrete form in our physical world.  For this reason, the 5th Ray person is likely to be out of step with the mundane, status quo world while he analyzes and searches for Truth.

For Obama, his Venus in Cancer in his 5th house acts as an energy of balance between detachment and devotion to others.  Children are to play a major role in his life, keeping him in touch with his love nature.  With his planets’ placement evenly distributed in 5 positive (masculine) sign energies and 5 negative (feminine) sign energies, he is well balanced as an individual.  With Leo on his 7th house cusp and Uranus in the 7th house, he would naturally chose a marriage partner who is also a strong, independent, forward-thinking individual—one he can admire and feel proud to have by his side.  Together, Barack and Michelle will meet and become friends with a variety of people.


Looking at President Obama’s chart through the eyes of Dane Rudhyar’s interpretation of the Sabian symbols adds insight into his presidency and the unfolding consciousness within America and the world.  We, both as individuals and groups/nations, live in a universe of cycles.  We determine how we experience these cycles by our freewill choices.  Nothing is engraved in stone.  From this day forward, you and I are choosing how we want the end of this present World Age to unfold—in chaos or with the creation of a peaceful, loving world attuned to the higher realms of Spirit.

We learned in geometry that a circle is composed of 360 degrees, thus the 360 degrees found within the astrological chart.  One way to interpret the meaning of each degree is through the Sabian symbols assigned to them.

We have seen the man, Barack Obama, through his astrological natal chart.  Now let’s lift our vision to a broader perspective—that of the Presidency and the evolution of our nation.  Using only the few Sabian symbols activated by planets, nodes, etc. used to interpret Obama’s chart, a story of our nation unfolds.

Beginning in the 12th house—representing the resources he brings with him from the past—we find Saturn on the 25 degree of Capricorn reminding Obama of the value of RELIANCE ON TRADITION and the benefits that come to a society through appreciation of the arts.  Also in the 12th house is Jupiter on 0 degree of Aquarius/30th degree of Capricorn signifying EXECUTIVE POWER.  Involved in this Sabian symbol is both the presence of a covert power elite who are striving to create a New World Order for their own greedy purposes and the Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Beings who are working to unfold the Divine Plan on Earth.  President Obama and the American citizens must peer through the telluric processes of human history to the work of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the unfolding of the Divine Plan.

Obama’s Ascendant is on the 18th degree of Aquarius.  This degree falls within a cycle that calls for re-evaluating management techniques and to include the spiritual perspective.  The Sabian symbol relates to the UNMASKING of hidden motives.  Since this degree relates to his Ascendant and how the public views him, what Obama “appears” to be may not be who he truly is.  To quote Rudhyar:  “The individual whose activities have to remain unrecognized is engaging in a constant struggle; he needs the help of higher Powers as well as of the protective agencies he may have placed at his service.”  It is Obama’s job to unmask the hidden motives so prevalent in our societal structures.  Americans need to support him in doing so.

Within the 1st house, the South Moon Node is on the 27th degree of Aquarius, the Sabian symbol of DELICACY OF FEELING depicted by an ancient pottery bowl filled with fresh violets.  The message concerns the importance of leaving behind the gawdiness that characterizes so much of American culture and returning to the simple beauty of nature.  It is as we attune to nature that our thoughts become pure and we—Obama and American citizens—can create effective management techniques for our nation.  Chiron on the 5th degree of Pisces reminds us of the value of “giving a spiritual or transcendent sanction to even the most commonplace interchanges.”  This Sabian symbol, RITUALIZED BENEFICENCE, urges us to recognize the presence of God in all of our activities.  In essence, Obama’s 1st house Sabian symbols encourage him to attune to the simple beauties of nature and spirituality as he projects onto the world scene.

Part of Fortune on the 27th degree of Aries in Obama’s 2nd house reminds him and the American citizens that we must first imagine that which we desire to accomplish, then work toward that goal.  UNDAUNTED FAITH in our ideals is essential.  But first, we must “image” our ideals for America?

Moon on the 3rd degree of Gemini in Obama’s 4th house recalls the Garden of the Tuileries in Paris.  FORMALISM—or rigid rituals—must not be worshipped.  Americans must formulate our collective ideals by applying reason, nurturance, and order as symbolized by the Gardens.

Venus is on the 1st degree of Cancer in the 5th house with the Sabian symbol denoting REORIENTATION.  The pictorial symbol – “On a ship the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one.”  America is at a crossroads; it is time for us to re-orient our efforts in light of the foregoing Sabian symbol messages.

Mercury on the 2nd degree of Leo in the 6th house with a Sabian symbol of an epidemic of mumps.  The crises of a few people can spread to the collective.  The 6th house represents Obama’s working environment.  He entered the White House at a time of epidemics—an epidemic of fear, a threatened epidemic of swine flu, an epidemic of personal and corporate upheaval.  Obama and the American people are dealing with THE INFECTIOUS SPREAD OF INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCES.

Sun on the 12 degree of Leo in the 6th house reveals a work environment in which President Obama is involved in “group-relaxation in fashionable surroundings as an escape from work routine.”  As the resident of the White House, he becomes the host to all visitors.  SOPHISTICATION, involvement in the externals of life, and the ability to carry on mundane conversation and wit are required.

The 7th house depicts Obama within relationships.  Ceres is on the 20th degree of Leo in the 7th house signifying “a return to the glorification of natural energies.”  After allowing our nation to be all but destroyed by the secret government, Americans have the opportunity to “return to nature.”  For decades Americans have followed a materialistic American Dream that called for a continuous striving for “more … bigger and better.”  As we approach the end of a World Age, we can choose to reverse our activities and permit that reversal to “open for us the way to the deepest release of our long-denied root energies.  Natural man links himself consciously to the source of all life on earth.  This means IDENTIFICATION THROUGH WORSHIP—the sanctification of the creative power.”  It is time for every American to allow Spirit to flow through all of our relationships.

Uranus on the 25 degree of Leo in the 7th house announces it is time for all Americans to develop “TOTAL INDEPENDENCE from our surroundings and utter SELF-RELIANCE.”  The Sabian symbol is that of a camel crossing a “vast and forbidding desert.”  We are at the end of a World Age, the end of a long and exhausting adventure on the plane of duality.  In order to move into higher realms of existence, we must learn that all we need is within us—we are temples of God.  The camel can travel for long distances without water or food; it carries within itself all that is needed for survival.  This Sabian symbol reminds us that in order to be released from the bondage of the “old world,” we must become completely self-contained emotionally.  Instead of seeking relationships because we “need” them, we must lift our consciousness to higher realms in order to enter a “new world” where all relationships are based on unconditional love.

North Moon Node on the 27th degree of Leo in the 7th house carries a Sabian symbol of “the luminescence of dawn in the eastern sky.”  The keynote for this symbol is:  “The exalting challenge of new opportunities at the threshold of a new cycle.”  Once we have reversed our materialistic strivings and become “whole” within ourselves, it is time to integrate the new “Us” into a new society, a new nation, and planetary society.  ILLUMINATION grants us the knowledge that we meet every day’s dawning with a clear mind and pure heart.  We can live as outward expressions of God within us.

The 12th degree of Virgo is activated in the 7th house (I do not recognize the symbol used by the computer program).  This Sabian symbol is:  “After the wedding, the groom snatches the veil away from his bride.”  The Keyword is:  The UNVEILING.  There is an “unveiling of mysteries long protected by secrecy.”  It is time for the unveiling of hidden knowledge, all cover-ups, all covert behavior so that Americans and every inhabitant of our planet can know Truth.  A wedding signifies the leaving of one style of life and entrance into another.

Mars on the 22nd degree of Virgo in the 7th house is expressed by the Sabian symbol of “a royal coat of arms enriched with precious stones.”  Spiritual enlightenment is the “result of a series of long, repeated efforts; it is the end of a ‘royal road.’”  This symbol asks Obama and each of us a question:  “NOBILITY confers upon a man exacting responsibilities.  Are you willing, able, and ready to assume a ‘royal’ office, at whatever level it may be?”  We cannot reach a “New Heaven & a New Earth” without much personal effort in learning to live as an outward expression of God within us.

Neptune on the 8th degree of Scorpio in the 9th house has the Sabian symbol of “a calm lake bathed in moonlight.”  The keynote is:  “A quiet openness to higher inspiration.”  In Rudhyar’s words:  “Real Love is a cosmic undifferentiated principle or power which simply focuses itself within the souls of human beings who reflect its light.  The same is true of the mystic’s love for God.  Man strives hard to achieve great things through daring adventures, but a moment comes when all that really matters is to present a calm mind upon which a supernal light may be reflected….  [This symbol] tells us that beyond all efforts lays the need for peace and the readiness to accept the illumination from above.  The keyword is QUIESCENCE.”  As Obama and all Americans follow the instructions given through these Sabian symbols, we as a nation will arrive beside a calm lake and know QUIESCENCE.
—This interpretation of the above symbols is based on Dane Rudhyar’s book entitled An Astrological Mandala:  The Cycle of Transformations & Its 360 Symbolic Phases.
SUMMARY:  There is certainly nothing in President Obama’s Astrological Natal Chart that indicates he would set out to disrupt or to enslave.  He is most certainly not the Anti-Christ, as many fundamentalist Christians fear.

That Obama would have the capacity to emerge rapidly on the world scene as a charismatic leader is certainly indicated.  He brought in a tremendous ability to heal, not hurt.  As the strong 1st/5th Rays individual that he is, the good he can bring to our planet is unlimited.  As one who has been wounded himself, he understands pain.  An Aquarian Ascendant individual finds it very difficult to think only of self when others are suffering.  More likely, Obama truly yearns to right the wrongs in our world and to free all of us to be the unique beings that we are.  With his Part of Fortune in Aries in his 2nd house, he finds great joy in using his talents in pioneering endeavors for others.

Maneuvering through the Illuminati maze may take a while.  We, as citizens of the USA, need to support President Obama by envisioning and working for the betterment of our nation.  As long as we tap into the Illuminati-generated fear tactics, we pull down any efforts for transformation—Obama’s and ours.  The Illuminati feed on our fear.  Let us feed, instead, President Obama with our positive thoughts, prayers, and efforts to transform our world for the One Family of God.

The Sabian symbols were clairvoyantly assigned to each degree of the Zodiac in 1925 by Elsie Wheeler working with Marc Edmund Jones.  It took only a few hours for her to intuit the symbols for 360 degrees.

Confirmation that Barack Obama is the correct man to be President of the USA during the last years of our present World Age is found by reading the Sabian symbols in counterclockwise manner, as is done to depict the gradual maturity of each individual/country.  Out of a possible 360 degrees, using only the 16 symbols found in counterclockwise position to each other and activated in Obama’s astrological natal chart by planets, nodes, etc., the story of America at this particular time in history can be told.  He is the President, but we are the only permanent office holders—that of citizen.  It is up to each American to assist in uplifting our nation into higher dimensions of consciousness.  It is time to leave behind all separatism, all bickering, all fear and work together to create a new nation based on love, peace, and abundance for all!

Myrna Lofthus, A Spiritual Approach to Astrology
Alan Oken, Soul-Centered Astrology:  A Key to Your Expanding Self
Isabel M. Hickey, Astrology:  A Cosmic Science
Barbara Hand Clow, Chiron:  Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner & Outer Planets
Dane Rudhyar, The Astrological Houses:  The Spectrum of Individual Experience
Martin Schulman, Karmic Astrology:  The Moon’s Nodes & Reincarnation
Donald Yott, Intercepted Signs & Reincarnation
Martin Schulman, Karmic Astrology:  Retrogrades & Reincarnation
Martin Schulman, Karmic Astrology:  Joy & The Part of Fortune
Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala:  The Cycle of Transformations
& Its 360 Symbolic Phases
Gregg Braden, Fractal Time:  The Secret of 2012 & A New World Age


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