Home » December 21 » MUSINGS OF AN AWAKENING MINISTER – “His answer to Lightworkers who have been at this for years.”

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“His answer to Lightworkers who have been at this for years”


Man on beach


Ya know Nancy, I have watched “Crossing Over” so many times that that film seems etched in my brain; yet, I watch it again and then I get another piece of the puzzle and think “Wow, the new way of thinking is just breaking in *in* me!”

If we have been in The Iron Age for so long where humanity is at its darkest, and then we round the corner and enter Aquarius (Bronze Age), then isn’t humanity 25% more awakened as we move towards The Golden Age (which is 100% Consciousness!)?

I keep thinking that we are at the beginning of the awakening.  If man was living at tops 100 years in the Iron Age, will we not see increasingly people live longer, eventually up to 1000 in this Age?

Are we not at ground-breaking Consciousness-Awareness 101?

Are we not the firstfruits of them that sleep?

Would not total awakening to complete Consciousness simply be too much overload for us?

When I consider that in 5 months I have learned all this (and it IS a lot!!!!!!!), is it not all-Loving to realize that Ascension really IS a process lovingly engineered and managed for us to not choke on meat before we digest milk?

I am still realizing anew daily how Gaia and I connect.

I look into the skies and I see the unusual cloud formations and think “Wow, the Galactics really ARE there!” and I am here at this point to see this (even if others may not at the moment).

I still am wrapping my head around my body being my best friend and co-creator!

You [Lightworkers] have known these truths for a long, long time; but to me, these are all still “rattles and toys” in my beautiful new play pen!!!!!!!!


 NOTE BY NANCY:  To be sure people understand, those Lightworkers who have worked “out on a limb” for years comprehend that it takes time for people to adjust.  What we so wanted to see on 12/21/12 was a definitive sign that Earth truly had ascended … that all we had been sharing for years was indeed to come to pass.  We had been walking in blind faith and wanted to see the Light with our physical eyes.  And to be honest, we wanted confirmation that we had discerned Spirit correctly.

Thus, the source of our initial disappointment.

By New Year’s Day 2013, I wager Lightworkers will be back at work, as optimistic over Earth’s future as ever!  My prayer is that many, many more will be joining our joyful march into The Golden Age of Aquarius!



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