Nidle's Archive
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual
Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
3 Ben, 6 Uo, 3 Manik -- August 21, 2007
Selamat Jarin! We return, dear Hearts, to discuss much with you! The events
swirling around the creation of your new reality continue to move forward. Our
Earth allies are busy working out the last legal details concerning the coming
resignation of the present US regime. In addition, the dismantling of the
Federal Reserve Bank and the introduction of the new global banking system are
likewise nearing the final stages. Because of the vital importance of the US
Federal Reserve in these matters, a system for changing over from the present
financial system to the new one became essential. This new system is to be
introduced in three stages: The first is to be part of the debt forgiveness
process. Since the core of this debt involves a circuitous and complex procedure
ultimately based on the use of US Federal Reserve debentures, it was thought
best by all parties to rescind these instruments along with the retirement of
the world's debt. The stage is then set for the introduction of the new American
Treasury Bank and the new global banking system.
The new banking system comes on line with the formal announcement of a global
currency overhaul featuring the reintroduction of hard currency. A great roundup
of long-hidden gold reserves, as well as some new gold bullion supplied by the
Galactic Federation, makes it possible to take your banking system off the
present highly inflated fiat-money footing. Then follows a controlled, massive
deflation of prices and other related matters to pre-inflation levels. Once
these various price adjustments are completed, a new, more accurate pricing
system can replace the old one. These changes will be softened by the delivery
of the many prosperity programs. The sharing of these vast sums can permit
Earth's many societies to survive this wholesale movement from one monetary
order to another. With this done, the final part of step two is to explain how
this banking system operates and to announce that it is available to everyone.
This global system will highlight the major currencies of Asia, Europe, and the
Americas. Naturally, this leads to the reissuing of the world's currencies.
The last of the three steps is to release new, strict guidelines for the use of
credit. Because universal abundance is to go hand-in-hand with the setting-up of
the new monetary and banking system, it is expected that issuance of credit will
be greatly curtailed. This implies that comprehensive measures will be
instituted to ensure that this abundance is both maintained and globally
sustained. The concept of credit is to revert to its former meaning. The vast
expansion of credit, especially in the last half of your twentieth century, is
to be prevented from reoccurring by directives formulated by a global committee
of old banking hands who intend that the sins of the past not be permitted to
contaminate the future. Banks are to be holding houses for wealth and their
power limited by strict and detailed regulations. These codes will limit banks
to a number of precise services. Money will no longer be an agent separating
humanity; indeed, global abundance will be a determining factor in creating the
future world of global unity.
The abundance, which has literally taken centuries to amass, is the foundation
for what our Earth allies intend to build. Since money, to date, has
predominantly been used to acquire and maintain power, the first step of
meaningful change is to end the huge monetary disparity that characterizes your
societies. Moreover, this leveling of the playing field requires guidelines: It
is not simply a matter of distributing vast sums among the poor; in other words,
to those who have a very idealistic concept of what is involved in being
immensely wealthy. The challenge is to set up a distribution scheme that shifts
wealth in a practical manner from its former proprietors to those who are quite
innocent of the responsibilities big money confers. To tackle this, a
"distribution tree" was set up and the means to maintain the stability
of this distribution apparatus put in place. A concomitant is the creation of
programs to educate the first recipients of these enormous funds.
This critical process is dependent upon the new transitional governments, which
are dedicated to establishing this prosperity-maintaining system. This system is
also to be deeply instrumental in ending the roadblocks that were set up to
prevent new technologies from coming forth. It will be responsible for
encouraging invention in all quarters and supporting an explosion of information
in all fields of scientific endeavor. The static condition of your present world
is to be morphed into a dynamic environment that quickly makes up for lost time
(see previous update). Naturally, this system includes policies tailored to
uphold freedom, responsibility, and the individual sovereignty of all.
Corporations are to be recast along the lines of "socially responsible
partnerships" and the various statute codes that created them, voided. Your
present, fractured societies are to be transformed by government edict, personal
responsibility, and a new group dynamic into a global community that is
motivated to be a hands-on partaker in government and determined to secure the
general welfare and the blessings of Liberty for all.
The metamorphosis of your global society is an important aspect of what first
contact is all about. Our coming is due in part to your huge innate potential
and in part to the decrees of the divine plan. Inside your cellular nuclei is a
genetic structure that is mostly lying dormant. Only in the past few decades
have these structures begun to be activated--slowly at first, but now at an
accelerating pace. These inner changes must now be reflected in your outer
global reality, and this is where we come in: Our part in this is to assist our
Earth allies in ensuring that these transformations happen according to divine
decree. Much is planned and is swiftly nearing the point of manifestation. We
are here to tell you that these good deeds are quite close to happening.
First contact is reaching a most exciting point. We mentioned in past messages
how diligently our crews are preparing for this blessed event. In fact, the
multitudinous hosts of Ascended Masters who are to accompany us have taken up a
most sacred series of chants. This outpouring of "intent" signals the
proximity of our arrival on your beloved shores. These continuous rituals
further heighten our growing excitement over our coming mass reunion with you.
The swift approach of these things means that your many body Angels and
spiritual guardians are stepping up the pace of your multileveled body changes.
The medical teams working on you inform us daily about the escalating demands
made on them by Heaven!
Heaven deeply loves you and desires that your present world be transformed by
divine action. This spiritual intervention sparked the events about to happen.
We monitor all this and use our knowledge to prepare our personnel for what lies
ahead. Your role is to allow yourself to undergo an enormous integration of your
physical and spiritual bodies. This prepares you for our arrival. We see
ourselves as your guides and mentors, and above all, as family. Your changes are
likewise transforming your galaxy. We are moving silently, peacefully, and
joyfully into a most magnificent aspect of galactic history. Your current
history is a microcosm of this, and while not as joyous as ours, is nevertheless
a period heralding great change. Above all, this is the glorious moment when you
are destined to go from planetary to Galactic Beings.
Today, we discussed the many changes awaiting you. These coming events are
precursors to first contact. Rejoice, and know that you are close to the time
when truly amazing things are to happen. Be accepting and optimistic during
these final waiting moments as you prepare to make your most loving intentions
manifest. We now retire. Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply
and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat
Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization
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