MESSAGES FROM OUR GALACTIC FAMILY From Matthew, through his mother, Suzy Ward May 1, 2012 Power and expressions of love; soul evolvement; lightworkers' knowledge, capabilities; nothing to fear 3. Yes, beloved souls, love is just that simple — allowing it to be! As often as the word love is spoken, written or read, it is possible — probable! — that the power of love and the many forms in which love is expressed rarely are recognized. Love and light are the two faces, if you will, of the energy essence of Creator, that most powerful force in the cosmos. Especially now, with so little time before Earth reaches fourth density, it is vital to understand that love is the key to every soul’s ascension. That is why I asked my mother to insert here the part of a book where she and I talked about love and light. ******************** 4. [The following is from the revised edition of Illuminations for a New Era.] Suzanne: I thought that by loving people, we automatically send light to them, but now I’m wondering if there’s more to it. Matthew: Mother, you’re right that feelings of love for someone carry light to that person, but you’re also right in thinking there may be more to it. So, even though it’s not necessary that you understand the “sending” process for it to be effective, I’ll explain how it works. Light is within your spirit, the feeling you describe as lighthearted when something is giving you joy or you’re remembering something that was special to you. Think how you feel when one of your dogs comes to nuzzle you or you hear one of your favorite symphonies or see a beautiful sunset — it’s as if your whole self is lighting up, and that is what’s happening. You’re actually being filled with light simply by the experience. The light is coming from your soul, connecting with your mind and flowing through your body to produce lovely feelings or an inspirational Aha! You didn’t have to do a thing to get that sensation, and whatever evoked it didn’t have to make any special effort to create your feelings — simply by your soul’s receptivity to the light, you get it! Light — let’s call it love, because that’s what we’re really talking about here — passing from one person to another is no different in cause and effect, but you may want to initiate it by focusing on someone. When you do, instantaneously the vibrations in your thoughts and feelings reach that person. The energy flows from you along your thought form of intent and intensity, and the same measure of love that you sent goes directly to the “energy address” you want it to. There can be no “false addresses” because the intent and feelings are totally clear. The receiver won’t consciously know this, of course, but the receiver’s soul is aware of the “delivery.” I think I understand, Mash dear. You’ve spoken about “light receptivity” but I’m not sure what that does. Or maybe I should say I don’t know what it feels like. Can you tell me how we can know if we’re receiving light and how we use it in everyday life? I am happy to tell you, Mother! Most simply stated, being receptive to the light enables spiritual clarity that transcends third density’s limitations. Those include prejudice and hatred of differences, acting in greed, judging others for their choices, holding resentments or desiring vengeance, getting ahead by ruthlessness and cheating and lying, controlling others’ lives and denying their free will, blindly following dogma or orders when instinct tells that they are not based in godliness. And the greatest of all third density’s limitations is fear — actually, all of those other negative emotions and actions I mentioned arise from fear. It’s logical to think that by changing in some of those negative areas I mentioned, you are being light receptive and growing spiritually. Positive changes certainly are progress, but not to the degree you may think if you still feel fearful about personal or world situations. Spiritual growth is learning to live without fear, learning to fully trust the unequaled power of love. As for “everyday” use of light — Mother, let’s say love here. In your world love is boundless, yet that isn’t recognized even though the word is so commonly used that you could say it’s abused, like “I love artichokes” or “I love that song.” So first I’m going to say what love is not. Food and entertainment can give much pleasure, and I surely am not debasing enjoyments that uplift spirits, but they are not love. Neither is love the physical attraction of one person to another that leads to anxiety about long-term security in the relationship. Love is not controlling a mate, it is not pitying or worrying about family or friends, it is not professional success, it is not possessions. Love is not dependent upon fame, social status, financial wealth or others' opinions of you. Love is not crusading for your beliefs or proselytizing. Love does not require understanding mystical spiritual teachings or karmic components of experiencing or the continuum that encompasses all time and space simultaneously or the laws of the universe. So, then, what is love? In simplest terms, love is God's sharing of Himself with all of His creations. Love is the healing force of the universe. Love is within the soul and needs only your allowance of those innate sensations of loving others and receiving their love for you. Love has no limitations, no boundaries to its capacity. In expression, love is treating others with kindness, fairness, honesty, compassion, helpfulness, caring. If love can be said to have “ingredients,” then those are some of the ingredients of godly expression in action. Knowing that you and God and every other of God's creations are inseparable is love. Knowing that Earth is a sentient, conscious life herself and respecting all of her life forms is love. Realizing that no one can know others at soul level and therefore does not judge them, but rather does not condone an action seen as injurious, is love. Listening to one's godself is love. Living the kind of life that engenders loving self is love. Feeling joy yourself when you see it in others is love. Doing something that brings joy to another is love. Forgiveness of self and others is love. Sharing your resources with full heart is love. Doing good deeds without attaching expectations is love. Feeling peace of heart and mind is love. The quiet thrill of seeing a sunset or hearing a songbird is love, and a smile is one of the simplest and most radiating expressions of love. In any or all of these instances and many others that you may encounter that instinctively you know are love in action, you are manifesting your love for and of God. Mother, I don’t think I’ve told you anything at all surprising. But perhaps it is good to have some references as a guiding light in these times when darkness may seem to be overshadowing the magnificent abundance of love in your world. ********************** Thank you, Mother. 5. Reading about spirituality and matters of metaphysical nature can be fascinating and uplifting indeed, but it isn’t necessary for soul evolvement. The same is so about attending classes or workshops that provide glimpses into the arcane, having a guru or mentor help you understand life’s mysteries, or following enlightenment offered by the “Masters” — the quotation marks are because these highly evolved souls don’t call themselves that. Spiritual growth is each one’s personal experience of living from the heart — that seat of the soul, core of physical viability, and center of Self that sends forth and receives love. Simply, BEing love is soul evolvement. 6. It is the high vibrations of love, or light, that started stirring individuals’ conscious awareness over seven decades ago, when far distant powerful civilizations beamed that lifesaving energy to your homeland planet. It was the ever-increasing light intensity on Earth that raised the collective consciousness of her residents and brought her and you to this point on the ascension pathway. 7. At this station in the continuum we can observe simultaneously what you call past, present and future. Just as you can view different items on your computer monitors at the same time, we can see how depleted of light Earth was those 70-some years ago, when she embarked upon her travels out of deep third density, as well as all the progressive steps toward her brilliance today, on the brink of her Golden Age. 8. Never before in this universe has any world risen out of entrenched darkness with such speed or had such monumental assistance from myriad light sources. Never before have so many highly evolved souls come from other civilizations to participate in a world’s spiritual revival. You are making universal history! 9. Now then, down-to-Earth, so to speak, we commend your patience with what could be called “baby steps” insofar as ending turmoil, violence and economic woes that touch billions of lives. Censorship still exists in mainstream media to the extent that if efforts to resolve conflicts and surmount hardships are reported, the coverage is minimal compared to that given to a murder, for example, or a celebrity scandal or political haranguing; and a great deal of what is transpiring still is happening secretly. 12. Most of the populace hasn’t an iota of awareness about the giant steps in the collective consciousness that eventually led to the on-going discussions between some of your leaders and representatives of other civilizations. Most people don’t know that technology in spacecraft surrounding the planet is causing widely-destructive weaponry to malfunction; is leveling out the effects of geophysical events; and is reducing the toxicity in all types of pollution, including radioactive elements from nuclear explosions and harmful substances in chemtrails. 18. It is beyond the time when fear can refuel the dark ones among you who feed on fear energy, or can detour or delay Earth’s ascension journey. However, fear still has a potent role in the destiny of individuals. With unconditional love, we urge you to develop your capacity for discernment and go within for answers. Whether you think of this as reaching your higher self, godself, inner knowing, God Himself or any other designation you may call this “voice,” it is your soul, wherein all truth is known, communicating with your consciousness. 19. And this brings us back to love — love of Self! When love is fully present, fear cannot be. But if a fearful moment does arise, ask for help to rid it from your being. The ever-present loving arms of God and His emissaries will gently lift you into the self-empowerment of your birthright as the gods and goddesses you always have been and always shall be. 20. During these last steps of your ascension pathway, countless light beings throughout this universe are with you in spirit and many are walking alongside you. ___________________________
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