Since my life has undergone massive changes since I moved back to my home state, I find that adding to my website is now difficult. I will continue to retain it for the time being; but will likely not post anything new. "LET GO AND LET GOD" AS THE OLD WORLD CRUMBLES Dictated to Dr. Kathryn E. May by Sananda (Jesus’ Soul Name) “I come at this time to speak with you because I wish Radio Interview with Nancy Detweiler on WRVA, Richmond, VA Understanding Life & Discerning Truth Through
Kinesiology - WORK FOR WORLD PEACE BY GETTING TO LET THERE BE PEACE ON EARTH, & LET IT BEGIN WITH ME Getting to Know the Beauty of Iran/Persia, Part 1 Getting to Know the Beauty of Iran/Persia's People, Part 2 Getting to Know the Beauty of Afghanistan & Its People Getting To Know The Beauty of the Afghan People, Part 2 Getting to Know the Beauty of Russia & Its People Who is Vladimir Putin According to Esoteric Astrology? THEME SONG FOR OUR NEW EARTH -
2014 - the year humanity awakens and joins hands in love and peace 2015 - the year WE begin to implement and witness actual transformations 2016 - a year "of completing your transition to full consciousness. This COMMON LAW IS THE LAW OF THE PEOPLE: RUNNING HISTORY OF THE EVENTS IN MARCH 2014
About one year ago, Hope Moore was employed in a large corporation. When she discovered unethical practices and reported it, she was fired. Hope hit the outside world running. She researched … did a fantastic job of organizing her FIX THE WORLD PROJECT … found a camera crew … traveled to numerous places around the world and made this very powerful documentary – launched June 15, 2013. In it, people share what they want the world to be … the ideas they have for fixing the world … and Hope exposes some of the crimes being perpetrated upon Earth humans with the goal of placing all of us in total enslavement. If you live on Earth, you need to see this documentary and add your loving
energy to it. TOGETHER, we can fix the world and render it a far better
place for our children and grandchildren to live. PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 -
THE LIGHT AGENDA – August 29, 2012 STEPHEN COOK INTERVIEWS NANCY DETWEILER I loved being interviewed by Stephen. He is such a sweetheart.
We Find Ourselves At A Planetary Crossroads
FULL MOVIE: 2012 THE ONLINE MOVIE FINAL UPDATE We all chose to incarnate during these momentous times. FULL MOVIE: "THE SOURCE FIELD INVESTIGATIONS" A full length video by David Wilcock. Know Thyself: The Pathway To Ascension to Multi-Dimensional Selfhood In order to “Know Thyself,” we must seek the Truth about ourselves and our entire human family.
A GALACTIC SOCIETY – THE FULFILLMENT The occupation of Wall Street in the USA and the demonstrations taking place all over Planet Earth are indications that people are awakening and demanding change. We, the people of the world, are declaring our independence. This time, our independence is not simply to enable us to build peaceful, prospering nations, but the foundation upon which we are to build our galactic culture and to be re-united with our galactic brothers and sisters... Read More FOLLOWING OUR INDIVIDUAL ROAD MAP TO ASCENSION Life is eternal for the Soul—no beginning, no ending. Many Souls choose to explore the various dimensions of life, rather than remain in the heavenly realms. Those of us presently residing on Earth made that choice. During our explorations, we made mistakes that require correction—karma that necessitates transmuting into positive energy. In order for us to achieve ascension into the higher dimensions, these mistakes must be resolved on Earth plane. As a result, when preparing for another physical incarnation, we and our spiritual mentors construct a Road Map to guide our Soul along its chosen path. This Road Map also involves contracting with additional Souls to play particular roles in the forthcoming incarnation. These Soul contracts are created to ensure that we accomplish the goals upon which we are basing our future physical plane life. (Read whole article....)
PREPARING FOR 2012 EARTH IS TO BECOME AN ASCENDED PLANET! YOU & I DETERMINE HOW IT WILL BE TRANSFORMED. Tremendous changes are taking place on our planet, in the solar system, within our Milky Way Galaxy, and the cosmos. 2012 marks the end of time as we know it. Once more we are to attune to fractal time—cycles within ever increasing cycles. December 21, 2012 signals the end of a 5,125-year cycle of time called a World Age. The last humans to experience the shift of a World Age lived in 3114 B.C. It is for this reason that we find it difficult to believe that we incarnated to assist in this momentous shift to another World Age. The soul of every individual on this planet chose to be present and to assist Earth in making this shift into the “the New Earth and the New Heaven.” Many have forgotten that goal. It is time to awaken to our soul purpose! 2012 also signifies the end of a 25,625-year cycle, called the “precession of the equinoxes”—Earth’s journey through the 12 constellations of the zodiac. Each 25,625-year cycle contains 5 World Age cycles. According to Gregg Braden, in his book FRACTAL TIME, the closing of each of the previous World Ages is preserved in Earth’s geological record. Each of the preceding World Ages ended with a great cataclysm: the first with earthquakes and the sinking of continents, the second with the Earth covered in ice, and the third with a great flood. 2012 ends this fourth World Age. We, who presently live on this planet, will soon be living in the fifth World Age and the Age of Aquarius. IT IS UP TO US TO DETERMINE HOW THIS FOURTH WORLD AGE WILL END. WE HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE! (Read More...)
BRIDGING THE GAP IN OUR CHANGING WORLD Our world is changing at an unprecedented speed—literally everything is changing! Our belief systems are undergoing a major shift. This shift is freeing for some, frightening for others. Many Christians have been taught to fear anything denoting the New Age. A part of this fear is due to living on Earth in a very unique period—the end of several cycles of thousands of years duration. This is a new experience for us. We were excited over the approach of the 21st century and its potential discoveries because our history books talk about centuries. But to think in terms of a New World Age thousands of years in duration is beyond our conscious comprehension. As a result, we tend to react in fear and disbelief. Our educational systems have not routinely taught fractal time. To think in terms of life being cyclical (fractal) is new to most of us, even though the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes speaks of these cycles. For example: “Whosoever speaks and says, ‘Look, this is new, should know that it already has been in the ages which were before us.” (Ecclesiastes 1:10) “That which is now, already has been; and that which is to be, has already been.” (Ecclesiastes 3:15) We read these words and think only in terms of “history repeats itself” as we ponder the last few centuries. We comprehend the Bible only in terms of what we have been taught or learned on our own. Ecclesiastes is speaking of ages that are beyond our comprehension unless we have studied fractal time and know that time is measured in ever widening cycles. It is the same with the rest of the Bible. Most Christians read it through the lens of traditional religious teachings and thereby miss much actually contained within the Bible. It’s like learning a “new” word … we don’t remember seeing the word until one day we do notice it and look up its definition in the dictionary. Thereafter, we are surprised at how frequently we see the word because it is now a part of our conscious knowledge. This limited method of reading the Bible has rendered most Christians unprepared for the shift in Ages that is now taking place. In 1997, I published a book written especially to assist Christians during this time of transition into a new cycle of time—a new World Age. A New Age Christian: My Spiritual Journey is the account of my journey from traditional teachings to an expanded view of life and its purposes. My book is the result of decades of biblical, historical, and metaphysical research. It contains 274 Endnotes that provide additional information and resources you can use to do your own research. A New Age Christian can assist Christians in expanding traditional teachings to include the new truths that are coming forth as the New World Age approaches. As our intentional spiritual expansion occurs, we overcome fear and experience a level of freedom that we have not known.
I have posted on my website the two chapters I consider of major importance: "Astrology: Sacred Or Taboo," and "Reincarnation In The Bible." Why these two chapters? Because the Vatican's condemnation of astrology in the late 15th century and its declaration of reincarnation as heresy in 553 C.E. at the 5th Ecumenical Council have deprived Christians of the ability to know who we are as unique expressions of God. This deprivation means we have been more easily controlled by the power elite. It has also deprived us of the means to seek in depth understanding of ourselves and all that is held within our subconscious minds. It has deprived us of the answers to our "Why?" questions regarding understanding our own lives and that of others. It has resulted in untold suffering that did not have to be.
Devotionals for Ascension:
ASCENSION Nancy B. Detweiler For eons, the spiritual journey of humanity has involved alternating spans of time between life in a physical body and life on the plane of spirit. Living within a physical body entails limitations that do not exist during the intervening periods on the spiritual plane. When we enter a physical body, we leave behind most memories of prior lifetimes on Earth. By age 4 or 5, most of us have forgotten our experiences on the plane of spirit. The reasons for our soul’s choice to enter another physical body are buried within our subconscious minds. We begin to view the present incarnation as the only time we have, or will, experience life on Earth. Sadly, our societal institutions allow us—even encourage us—to remain in this amnesic state of consciousness. The inevitable result is that we feel separated from God and cut off from the root of our being. Not knowing where our roots extend, we view every part of creation as separate from ourselves. We stand alone on an empty island. We embark on the process of ascension when we open our conscious awareness to comprehending the truth about ourselves and all of creation. We can never learn all there is to know; however, with each new awareness we ascend into fuller consciousness. Most persons presently incarnated on Earth have thus far—consciously or unconsciously—chosen to follow "the broad path," meaning to meander their way into an expanded consciousness. To walk the broad path is permissible and will eventually achieve the same desired goal. On the other hand, many are choosing to tread the "narrow path" that requires a dedicated and conscious intention to pursue a continuing unfolding of higher consciousness—an awareness that extends into the higher realms of spirit and allows for the existence of an unending cosmos of living beings. The narrow path takes us straight up the mountain. The difference in the disciplinary effort involved is easily understood by comparing two approaches to the summit. One, we can choose to slowly walk around and around the mountain, gradually reaching the top, or two, we can climb the strenuous, rocky path straight up the mountain. Either way, all will eventually attain the goal of ascension. The major events in the life of Jesus reveal the narrow path to ascension. The narrow path is the Way of Initiation and Service to others. Jesus incarnated at the beginning of the Piscean Age to show us the Way on the Path of Initiation. It has taken humanity an entire age (2000+ years) to reach the stage of consciously desiring to ascend into a higher realization of Truth. We now stand on the brink of a tremendous shift in perception. This shift will lift planet Earth and its inhabitants from the 3rd dimensional, physical plane of awareness to the 5th dimensional realization of a New Heaven and a New Earth. No negativity can enter the 5th dimension. It is for this reason that each of us must walk either the broad path or the narrow path into 5th dimensional consciousness. Ascension takes place as we become beings of Light and Love, attuned to the divinity within, and cognizant that we are One with all that is. Jesus showed us the Way to accomplish this transformation of self by undergoing the 5 Initiations within public view.
“LOVE ONE ANOTHER” Service to others, asking nothing in return, is a major way by which we “love one another.” True loving service is oriented toward meeting the needs of others ascertained by listening to their individual stories, then planning accordingly. All people desire to be independent … to care for themselves and their families … to live in peace. The frustrations that hamper some from fulfilling these common desires may lead to self-defeating, even dangerous, behaviors. Still … all persons are worthy of experiencing the inalienable rights granted to them by our Creator God as uniquely talented human beings. We truly serve when we assist them in doing so. As our planet moves toward ascension into higher consciousness, let us evaluate how our efforts to love one another … to be of service to others … can be more effectively rendered. Let us seek out the individual stories of frustrations … listen to the yearnings of individuals for their own unique avenues of becoming all they can be … strive to understand all sides of a conflict rather than take sides one against another—calling one “ally” and the other “enemy.” Every nation on Earth is peopled with unique individuals, who when given the opportunity and means to do so desire to create a happy, fulfilling life for themselves and their family.
THE AWAKENED CHRISTIAN Nancy B. Detweiler For seventeen hundred years, the Christian religion has abided by a set of doctrines created by men dedicated to standardizing the acceptable beliefs concerning the nature of the Source of our being and of Jesus. The resulting codified religion leaves little or no room for Christians to seek Truth on their own. Reprimands, accusations of heresy, excommunication, and loss of job, family, and/or friends hover in the shadows ready to pounce on anyone daring to explore our magnificent world by going outside the traditional Christian doctrines. Fear stifles our innate curiosity to learn more about the Source of our being and where we, as humans, fit into the divine scheme of cosmic life. Christians are taught to read the Bible as the Word of God and to interpret it in accordance with the codified church doctrines. A literal interpretation of the Scriptures results in a multitude of horrifying teachings concerning the nature of our Source and of human beings. Little do we realize that our concept of God and ourselves forms the philosophical foundation for our relationship to each other and to our planet. We have created a God in our own misguided image of self and it is not a pretty sight. This God is a warrior who fights on one side or the other, is bloodthirsty and without compassion when it comes to killing the enemy including women and children. We have created a God who is far less than the average human being. This God is unforgiving and plans eternal punishment for those who do not abide by the accepted doctrines of the Christian cult (a cult is defined as a system of beliefs to which its adherents cling out of fear and for a sense of security and assurance about the future life). Human beings created a God separate from self, a God to whom we pray and can only hope He hears. If He does hear, we never know how He will respond. We do not know the meaning of the Apostle Paul’s statement to the Greeks in Athens: "In him we live and move and have our being." (Acts 17:28) The writer of I John reveals our Source of being: "God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them…. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts our fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love. We love because he first loved us. The commandment we have from him is this: those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also." (I John 4:16, 18-19, 21)
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