Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed, M.Div.
I earned my Bachelor's degree in Social Studies/Education from Wake Forest University; attended two years in the Master's of Divinity program at Southeastern Baptist Seminary; earned my Master's degree in Counseling Education from the University of North Carolina in Greensboro; and completed a four year Master's of Divinity program at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. My vocational experience includes: social work, vocational rehabilitation counseling, teaching, ministry, and writing. I am in the 1980-81 Who's Who In The South & Southwest for my work in rehabilitation. My mainstream church affiliations have included Baptist, Episcopal, and Disciples of Christ. The teachings of Charles Fillmore play a major role in my metaphysical Bible interpretations. As I launch "Pathway to Ascension," I stand apart from all church affiliations in order to present Truth without the limitations of a structured philosophy. As a single woman, I flew to Honduras and brought back a beautiful, very intelligent little girl, age 10. I adopted her during a time in which it was unheard of for a single woman to adopt a child. At age 49, I met the love of this incarnation and married. My daughter was my matron of honor and my first grandchild attended the wedding. Friends commented, "Nancy always does things differently!" But, then, what can they expect? I am an Aquarian. Travel, domestic and foreign, has been a vital part of my adventures as I engage in an unending quest for answers to life's puzzling questions-answers that satisfy my yearning for Truth. My first book, A New Age Christian: My Spiritual Journey, was written to bridge the gap between mainstream Christianity and the emerging Aquarian Age spirituality, which is based on the revelation of a much fuller knowledge of Cosmic Truth. My hope is that my readers may move forward with a sense of continuity and expanding awareness of the higher realms of existence. My short essays on reincarnation, entitled Soul Talk, manifested adventures on a radio talk show, Bob Keeton's "Living Successfully." My 2nd book, Where Are You, God? A Metaphysical Interpretation of Job, is the culmination of a lifetime of fascination with the biblical book of Job. In 2001, my brother created a website for me, called Bridging the Gap Ministries. I conducted this website as an Internet Church for those who had no access to a New Thought congregation. Some of my most rewarding moments involved working with ministers living in Russia and Africa. In 2003, I embarked on yet another adventure-working on Dennis Kucinich's presidential campaign. When he was not nominated, John Joseph Kennedy announced his write-in candidacy for president. I joined his campaign. Both candidates sought world peace. An exciting venue opened for me, legal research. This fascinating journey, into the laws behind our nation's history, led to the creation of this site-"Pathway to Ascension"-with its combination of spiritual and legal information. My research gave me a fresh message to proclaim: "We ascend while we serve as responsible citizens of our city, state, nation, and planet-together building a culture in which every person is honored as a beloved child of God." ************* I dedicate "Pathway to Ascension" to the fulfillment of an internationally voiced prayer-The Great Invocation. This site was created with the knowledge that our planet is experiencing birth into a heightened awareness that we are not alone in the solar system or cosmos. We are accompanied and greatly loved by the Ascended Masters and members of the Galactic Federation of Light. Both groups work ceaselessly with us. Our imminent destiny is to ascend-as a planet and as individuals-into the 5th dimension of a New Earth and a New Heaven. Earth humans are scheduled-by God's Divine Plan-to make this tremendous shift in consciousness within the next few years. With the loving assistance of the Ascended Masters and Galactic Federation of Light, Earth humans are to work together to bring about the reign of world peace and familial love that is to characterize the emerging Aquarian Age. May "Pathway to Ascension" provide for you-my sister and my brother-a haven of peace, comfort, and the inspiration to fulfill your own unique contribution to the transformation of our planetary home. Planet Earth needs you to become the beacons of Light and Love you were created to be! May every human being join hands to form a planetary community, filled with the presence of unconditional Love and inspired activity, as we fashion together a New Earth and a New Heaven in accordance with the Divine Plan for our solar system. Know that the Ascended Masters and members of the Galactic Federation of Light work side-by-side with us! IN TRUTH, |
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