Books Gifts
Your inner
spiritual journey begins as you take responsibility for your life, meaning that
you no longer walk unconsciously through life, placing the blame for the events
in your life onto something outside yourself. Instead, you make the conscious
choice to grow holistically.

Spiritual growth requires holistic growth.
Holistic growth
involves transforming all parts of yourself simultaneously, including your
physical body, emotions, thoughts, and intuitive awareness. You are the Temple in which God
dwells. To grow holistically is to clear the Temple-that-is-you of all
negativity, dedicating it to your indwelling God (or I AM PRESENCE).

When we attempt to grow spiritually and ignore
the physical, emotional, and mental issues that need transforming, we chain
ourselves in place. How to grow

Natural Himalayan Salt Lamp 7-9" 7-9 lbs Hand Crafted by Ambient Natural Crystal
Salt Rock with Dimmer Switch
My lamp
sits in my office, where I spend most of my time.
I set it on LOW and allow it to stay on all the time-unless I'm going out
of town overnight.

Polished Shungite Power Pyramid from Russia
"The power of a
Shungite stone is not always readily known in the spiritual community, as it isn't
necessary one of the most popular healing stones. That being said, their healing
powers are extremely beneficial, and everyone should have them in their home.
Said to be around 2 billion years old, Shungite is a powerful ancient healing
stone that is said to be almost pure carbon, found in the Karelia region of
Russia. It is
incredibly powerful as it is one of the only
known natural materials to contain
Fullerenes occur when carbon molecules father
together into hollow, globular molecules. They are currently of great scientific
interest to many researchers because of their ability to purify water, act as
powerful antioxidants and the possibility of being a treatment of cancer." (https://www.energymuse.com/blog/shungite-metaphysical-properties/ )
"Use this stone to protect your Aura Body from
harmful electromagnetic rays given off by your TV, computers & cell phones. If
you are someone that works around electronic equipment all the time than this
will shield you, allowing only positive energies into your personal space."
(http://www.wandavirgo.com/blog/crystals-2-blog/shungite-stones-electromagnetic-protection/ )
I keep a shungite stone on my desk between my
computer and me.
In order to guarantee the stone is genuine, be
sure the shungite is from

Shungite Bracelet From
- 8mm Round Beads

"From hugely popular photographer Andy Seliverstoff
of St. Petersburg, Russia, comes this utterly charming
collection of just what the title says - little kids and the big dogs they
love.. The book has one overwhelming
message, he adds, and it's simply this: "Love for children and dogs makes people
kinder." Now more than ever, we all need to make room for kindness."

"Paul's inspired CD is just what
the world needs! I repeatedly use one of his songs as a climax to a blog or
comment on Facebook. Our world is undergoing tremendous change and Paul's
"Universal Love" is comforting to all of us, especially to those who are unsure
of what is happening. Paul's "My Heart" urges us to love self and helps to
develop self-esteem. Elementary school teachers have used it in their
classrooms-- the children love it. Paul composes his music with divine guidance,
which is very evident. His song "Grown Men Cry" has touched the hearts of men
taught in childhood that "boys don't cry." It is clear that our Mother/Father
God is helping humanity, thru Paul's music, to develop the skills needed to be
instrumental in expanding love on our planet. And, the world has joyfully
responded to LOVE EXPANDING LOVE!"


"Ginger is one of the most ancient
spices worldwide. It
has become well-known for its health benefits, which include its ability to
boost bone health, strengthen the immune system, increase appetite, prevent
various types of
cancer, improve
respiratory conditions, aid in
symptoms, reduce excess
gas, enhance
sexual activity, and relieve pains related to menstrual disorders, nausea, and
flu." (https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/herbs-and-spices/ginger.html )
Honey is a natural energy booster, a powerful immune
system booster. It's
antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties can help improve the digestive system and help you stay healthy and fight
disease. Honey possesses
carcinogen-preventing and anti-tumor properties!
Studies have shown that honey possesses natural antioxidant and
therapeutic properties that were able to prevent cognitive decline and dementia
and enhance the brain's cholinergic system and circulation.
(https://www.benefits-of-honey.com/health-benefits-of-honey.html ) This herb has long been
used to soothe stomach upset and reduce inflammation in the gut.
I drink this tea with dinner on a daily basis and
love it!

The Comfort
of a Cup of Tea
Evelyn Smith,
Poetic Stops Along the Pathway of Life
My cold
fingers wrap around the warm tea cup.
I breathe in
the fragrant aroma, feeling the worry
and stress
begin to fade.
"I'll make
Over the
decades these words have been spoken
heartache and joy.
"I'll make
tea". we'll sit, warm our hands,
make our
plans.we'll work this out.
"I'll make
Tell me your
joyous news!
celebrate together.
Our hearts
are filled to overflowing.
"I'll make
tea".we'll talk.
The volumes
our tea cups could tell.
of wisdom,
joy and tears,
A simple
"I'll make
tea" .
I use Vibes Up products myself and like to give them
as gifts. You can learn about
VibesUp at the link below and on their website:
".the VibesUP unique technique of mixing tiny spheres
of quartz and essential oils together in forms that put them under constant
pressure was developed. She was granted a PATENT on this process for the purpose
of WELL BEING and continued to improve its efficiency with her LIQUID CRYSTAL
and energy bridging process along with other amplifying techniques..
Not only can this energy penetrate things that are normally not
conductors of energy, but it can bring these beautiful natural energies to
deeper levels of our being than they could ever go before, while at the same
time clearing out non-beneficial energies. We can now charge our food, water and
bodies with specific good energy.

Charging Coaster
I place all food and water on my Charging Coaster
before eating or drinking. You may
also get a Vibes Up Plate Mat. Since
high and low vibrations cannot co-exist, I believe doing so lifts the vibrations
of my food and water above the toxic levels that currently exist in much of our
food and water.
Vibes Up
products are well worth checking out, as they relate to a variety of things
in our daily lives.

Salux Nylon Japanese Beauty Skin Bath Wash Cloth/towel (3) Blue
"Exfoliation is a technique you can use to remove dead skin cells. When
left unattended, these cells will build up on your face and body, leading to
dry, grey skin as well as blemishes like acne. Exfoliation reinvigorates your
skin, making your body and face appear smoother and healthier while getting rid
of unsightly flaws." (https://www.wikihow.com/Exfoliate-Skin)
I have used these exfoliating wash rags for years and
love them. Although some say they
will last forever, I like to replace mine when they begin to feel
not so rough.
I like the deep clean feeling!