I just
finished reading your book and had to let you know how wonderful it is and to
tell you that I learned so much from your interpretation of the Bible. Once is
not enough-I'm ready to start reading it again. For me, this is very unusual;
but, with your book, I could not put it down.
What a
gift to read your book! I sat and read and cried!! Not only is it so well
written; but, you did such an excellent job of writing to bridge the gaps.
I have
just finished reading your book and had to write and thank you for having the
courage to write it. As I have struggled on my own journey, I found your book
personally very affirming. You have done an excellent job of integrating
scriptural and metaphysical information into a context that can be more easily
grasped and understood. Your book helped me to clarify many of the spiritual
concepts that I have been working on and it certainly would be helpful to
anyone seeking spiritual answers that are missing from traditional organized
religions. I especially found helpful the discussions on discrimination
between true spirituality and "false gods" and the importance of
doing do. The only drawback is I didn't get much sleep, until I finished it,
because I could not put it down.
inspirational book is a MUST for anyone exploring possibilities or feeling the
need to validate their New Age beliefs. The story of Nancy's spiritual journey
is interwoven with explanations from scriptural, historical, and metaphysical
information to help demonstrate her premise that "God is love." I
found myself riveted to her words and concepts as she shared her adventures.
Thank you, Nancy, for this wonderful gift!
Susan Cullen
Real Estate Agent and New Age Christian
Richmond, VA
twenty years, I have observed and admired Nancy's spiritual quest. She has
never settled for a lifeless theology and empty ritual. Instead, she has
persistently sought the living light of the Christ. Nancy has an intellectual
honesty and personal integrity that is matched only by her unflinching
determination to tap the hidden mysteries of scripture. She has courageously
faced the challenges of the spiritual path and graciously accepted its
blessings. Her book is like her life-courageous, bold, authentic, loving, and
gentle. Any reader who is seeking deeper insights into the meaning of the
Christ will be encouraged and stimulated by this book.
Gloria Karpinski, Author
Where Two Worlds Touch
Ballentine, 1990
trusting herself to the Unknowable, Nancy has journeyed long through the
complexities of modern spiritual life. In A New Age Christian she lovingly,
courageously, and often heart-breakingly takes the reader with her as she
ponders this life. Together, over decades, we travel ever more deeply into the
realities of Spirit.
This unique spiritual autobiography serves well as a
contemporary model of the examined life. Nancy's varied experiences within,
alongside, and beyond established religion affirm the path of self-awareness
through meditation. Nancy's contemplative lifestyle sings of the eternal joy
of God within/God with us which sustains the soul and the personality.
I put this treasure of the heart in the hands of serious
students of the spiritual life, fully confident of the book's ability to bear
much fruit.
Michele Powers, Spiritual Counselor
Responsive Listening
Winston-Salem, NC