Pathway to Ascension Bookstore
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“Spiritual law would have us serve each other rather than
compete with each other, bless each other rather than condemn each other, and
place our primary attention on the extension of brotherly
--Marianne Williamson
“Our political salvation will not come from our political
system as it now exists. It will come from deep within us.”
--Marianne Williamson

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Findhorn Garden
by the Findhorn Community
This marvelous book reveals
the fascinating story of gardening with the angelic spirits. It also
includes messages from the angels relating to the gardening process.
You'll never view gardening the same after reading this book!

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by Manly Palmer Hall
Manly Hall uses his vast knowledge of the hidden wisdom to reveal the
secret destiny of America. We may all become better Americans by learning
America’s destiny within our planetary history.

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A People’s History of the United States
by Howard Zinn
Zinn’s most enlightening
book should be required reading for every citizen of the U.S. Until we
have read it, we do not know our nation’s history as it impacted the
residents of this vast country. |

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The Healing of America
by Marianne Williamson |

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The Healing of the Soul of America: Reclaiming Our
Voices As Spiritual Citizens
by Marianne Williamson
“The Greek root of the word “politics” does not mean “of the
government,” but “of the citizen.” Politics should include more than
just changes in government; it should also include changes in “us.”
---Marianne Williamson

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The Soul of A Citizen: Living With Conviction in a Cynical Time
by Paul Rogat Loeb
“No matter how well off we
may be, we’re spiritually impoverished whenever our society treats
people with contempt, pillages the earth, or cannibalizes our common
-- Paul Rogat Loeb |

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We Hold These Truths: Understanding the Ideas & Ideals of the
by Mortimer J. Adler
Every America should be
required to study Adler’s book on the U.S. Constitution. We cannot know
who we are—as citizens of America—without comprehending the concepts
upon which our nation was built.
“The happiness which all human beings have an inalienable right to seek
for themselves as individual persons is not an individual good; it is a
common good.”
-- Mortimer J. Adler |